Personal Information Management

Work Experience, Contracts, Visa, Workpermits, Reporting etc..

Time & Attendance Management

Seamlesly integrated with major attendance machines (biomatric/proximity etc) in Market.

Payroll Management

Automated payroll module with the ability to upload to SAP and/or can be extended to support any third-party application, Bank Sheets, Pension Details etc...

Employee Selfservice Portal

Check attendance, submit overtime, apply for leave and customize the dashboards based on uer's preferences...

Over 80+ management reports
with the feature to export to Excel, CSV etc...

Reports can be added or customized based on client's preferences

Integrated with Attendance Machines

Keplar does not require a specific brand/model of attendance machines. Any machine which provides an SDK (Software Developer's Kit) can be integrated to Keplar

Management Reports

Each module in Keplar consists of management reports which can be filtered on numerous fields and can be printed or exported to Excel or CSV (Comma Seperated Value) file.


Customized Dashboards

Dashboards can be customized for each Staff. Keplar provides many dashboards which provides summary of specific modules/components.

Cloud Updates

Bug fixes, new features etc. will be pushed to Cloud and clients can update their system...

Discover great feautres

Keplar is one of the most feature rich Human Resource Software used in Maldives

KEPLAR Dashboard

Dashboards designed for user

Dashboards can be customized for each Staff. Keplar provides many dashboards which provides summary of specific modules/components.

Administrators can make specific dashboards available for public and can customize the height, width, position etc of specific dashboard components


Payroll Automation

Keplar has automated payroll to an extent whereby very minimal user interaction is required.

KEPLAR Payroll

Define your own wage formulae or rules

Keplar calculates the wages based on the rules and formulae defined by the user. Complex calculations and rules can be created by the user depending on their organzation's business needs

KEPLAR Payroll

Perfectly designed for Maldives Market

Keplar was designed based on the best HR practices followed by HR Professionals. Some of the features are however, customized to accomodate local regulations and standards. Keplar provides salary sheets for Banks, Pension Office etc.

Contact Us

Keplar is developed by Terabyte Pvt. Ltd.

Terabyte Pvt. Ltd.
M. Tharividhaage 2, 4th Floor
Malé, Republic of Maldives
P: (960) 7795677, (960) 7917767

© 2024 Terabyte Pvt. Ltd.